My California family turned country, and we now live in Clayton, NC. We are a foster-adopt family, having lots of fun around the house! I have earned a B.S. in Psychology and Lifespan development, as well as an M.A. in Christian Studies, and an M.A. in Ethics, Theology, & Culture. I love serving homes for people from all walks of life and giving them clean air to breathe.

We first learned about duct cleaning when a family member had their ducts cleaned which helped their son who has terrible asthma. We all have bad allergies and recognized the humidity in NC can also add to the build-up of not only debris, but mold, so we called to have ours cleaned. That ended up being a divine appointment for us and started our journey of being well-trained, and then eventually, creating our own business, Duck! I will always be honest and give the best service, leaving your home air restored and better than ever.